In case you missed it, recent additions to PowerShift 4.10.028 include apps IPVQ, IRCM and MRBDL.
- Projected Inventory Inquiry (IPVQ)
If you use PowerShift's planning functions, you might love IPVQ! It's a slick inquiry that uses planning data to project future inventory values. Supply is separated into planned orders, manufacturing orders, purchase orders and other supply; demand is split into sales, forecast, safety stock, and other demand.
IPVQ calculates supply and demand in real time when you run the program. To change program options before calculations start, select and save the View option screen first Runtime option
Program options let you choose how data is displayed (e.g., weekly, monthly), using the planning periods defined in Planning Period Codes Maintenance (MDM) and for how long. You can toggle between projected quantities and dollar values, and drill to supply and demand details. See IPVQ help. - Receiver Notes Maintenance (IRCM)
The Receiver Notes Maintenance (IRCM) program provides direct access to receiver header and line notes. It's just like Receiver Inquiry (IRCQ), except the Notes button let's you maintain notes regardless of receiver status. - MRB Disposition Listing (MRBDL)
MRBDL prints a report of items processed through the Rejected Material Disposition (MRB) program. You can sort and select by MRB tag, receiver type, date and/or disposition code.